Building better together
The open source global ecosystem for enterprise-grade blockchain technologies
Hyperledger technologies are used by more of the top 100 companies than any other platform. Join hundreds of member companies, including world leaders in finance, banking, IoT, supply chains, manufacturing and technology and more
All are welcome in our inclusive global community
Latest news
Hyperledger Web3j in 2024: Updates for Blockchain Developers
An overview of Hyperledger Web3j's latest updates, enhancing functionality, security, and accessibility for developers. Join our community calls to collaborate and stay informed.
GalaChain: Leveraging Hyperledger Fabric to Create the Ultimate Entertainment Blockchain
GalaChain details why and how Hyperledger Fabric powers its first-of-a-kind entertainment blockchain
Blockchain Pioneers: Hyperledger Sawtooth, Grid and Transact
A look back at the impact of Hyperledger Sawtooth, Grid, and Transact - part of the Blockchain Pioneer series paying tribute to now retired projects that helped drive innovation and advanced the development of enterprise-grade blockchain technologies
Learn how members are using the tech
Building & selling the tech?
Hyperledger technologies are used by more of the top 100 public companies in the world than any other blockchain platform.
Looking to get involved?
Collaborate with leading coders and creatives in the industry, from global organizations to individual developers and enthusiasts.
End users
Using Hyperledger tech?
Speed up your implementation process by working closely with peers, project maintainers, and Hyperledger Foundation.
Upcoming events
In addition to organizing our annual conference Hyperledger Global Forum, the Hyperledger Foundation team participates in multiple events throughout the year
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